what is my spiritual gift?
What should I do with my life?
Does God have a purpose for me?
How can I know God's will for me — what to do and where to go?
The answer to these commonly asked questions can be found in the spiritual gifts in the Bible. This quiz will help you identify who you are and point you to some practical resources for stepping into God's design for you!
Spiritual gifts are a kind of road map for your direction in life. Offered as a Biblical alternative to the enneagram for Christians, this quiz and the workbook are based on a model of spiritual gifts found in the Bible. These "motivational" or character gifts are not about what we are called to do but about who we are as a person. They are more of a personality profile. You are what you care about in the deeper places of your heart. Your core values tell you who God created you to be. You do have a purpose and a place in this world!